Welcome to Tales from Terramyr

Welcome to Tales from Terramyr! Terramyr is the world I created, and where my books and stories come from. Here you may browse upcoming releases, musings of my sporadic and highly distracted mind, or see what I have been up to lately.

Sign up for email updates, and I will send you a free e-book!

Thanks for your visit!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

DC3 book trailer just came in...

So, The Dragon's Test (#3 in the Dragon's Champion series) has been out for a while, but it's still cool to see things like this roll in. Brightens my day.

Happy Halloween.

That is all.

*leaves computer to go "tax" the candy brought home by the kids*

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Introducing a new Fantasy adventure-- Epic Farm Boy!

Really, all you need to know about this wonderful tale is encapsulated by the cover. (Thank you, Bob Kehl for the great work!) We have all read the same kind of story many times. A lonely farm boy with seemingly nothing to offer is found by a great and powerful wizard, teams up with an elf or a dwarf (or both) and goes off to save the world from an uber bad guy who wants to conquer the whole planet/realm/kingdom/universe...

Well, this is exactly like that-- except it's better. Simplin the Wise is the great wizard in this book, and he is on his way to find the Epic Farm Boy prophesied of as the savior of Deltynne. Simplin is the best wizard for the job too, because he got all A's during his training at the College of Spells-n-Stuff. (Well, except for frog-transmutation, but really, who uses that spell anymore right?)

After finding the Epic Farm Boy destined to save the world, there are adventures aplenty as somehow the villain discovers the boy at the same time Simplin the Wise does. They run from giant spiders, fight nasty demons, and do lots of walking through epic landscapes that look great in your head, but probably would look better on screen if filmed in the mountains of New Zealand with a handful of A-list actors and super awesome effects... but I digress.

Throughout the tale you will laugh, and possibly dance on the table like the dwarf on the cover, as you see Simplin the Wise get his gardening advice from a sage by the name of Yew Toob, an accident with giant spiders leads to Shelob's creation, Simplin the Wise gets into an argument with the author about plot details, you witness a fun cameo by Dr. When -- the not-so-famous cousin of another Dr. who uses a blue box instead of a red one... and much, much more!

Click here to grab your pre-order copy today!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The kickstarter project for Dominion's hardcover print run has started!

I am so excited to announce this that I have got more wiggles than a three-year-old hopped up on a load of candy ... and I know this because my three year old is currently chowing down and going a bit wild...

The official Kickstarter launch is Friday, but I am doing a soft launch just for people who subscribe to my blog and FB pages. I won't go into a ton of detail, you can see all the prizes for yourself by clicking the link below. Then, please share on your social media sites and let's get Dominion ready to launch in a BIG way!

Click here for the Kickstarter Page

Monday, October 16, 2017

The next installment of The Dragons of Kendualdern: Dominion

Help me kick off the next installment of the Dragons of Kendualdern!

Dominion is an action-packed adventure that follows Karlax, a young dragon prince hell-bent on vengeance and domination. If you thought you knew everything about Gorliad's story, you were wrong! This book opens up during Siravel's murderous attack on another kingdom. In the wake of her destruction, Karlax is the sole dragon survivor. After helplessly watching his home fall to Siravel's might, he has sworn never to forget.

The main goal of the kickstarter isn't actually to fund the book itself. The cover art, editing, writing, is all either completed, or in process and has sufficient funds allocated to it. The kickstarter's main goal is two-fold. The first is to reward you guys for being awesome! I'll have some rewards that should be very fun for you to choose from, such as free e-book of your choice along with a copy of Dominion, or a special hardcover edition of Dominion along with a super fun book bag, things like that. I even have a few shirts to give away... In fact, here's a sneak peek at some of the rewards:

So jump on board and check out the link below. It has the official countdown timer for the kickstarter launch which is happening this Friday!

Friday, September 29, 2017

Moon Dragon Giveaway

For those of you who are interested, there are two Goodreads giveaways running right now for signed copies of my books.

In order of when the giveaway period ends are Moon Dragon, Dark Sahale, and Dimwater's Dragon. All of these are offering signed copies at absolutely no cost to you, so if you want to enter for a chance to win, just click on the books that interest you below. (Moon Dragon and Dimwater's Dragon are open to residents in the U.S., Canada, and U.K. -- Dark Sahale is only open to U.S. residents at this time.)

Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Moon Dragon by Sam Ferguson

The Moon Dragon

by Sam Ferguson

Giveaway ends September 30, 2017.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter Giveaway

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Dark Sahale by Sam Ferguson

Dark Sahale

by Sam Ferguson

Giveaway ends October 01, 2017.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter Giveaway

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Dimwater's Dragon by Sam Ferguson

Dimwater's Dragon

by Sam Ferguson

Giveaway ends October 31, 2017.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter Giveaway

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Tuesdays suck...

Tuesdays don't really suck, but if you have read Gatekeepers then you will catch the reference. Sometimes I just don't want to have to come up with a title for a short blog post, and since today is Tuesday... I just couldn't resist.

I wanted to shout out to those of you who dropped by SLC comic con and say thanks for making it a great con. I always love meeting old and new fans. Now that the costumes are all put away though, it's back to the keyboard for me. I'm still ironing out Fur Trader 2 and putting in some fun edits. It's taking a bit longer than I had hoped, but better to have a good story than to rush it.

Also, I have been asked by several of you about the next Dragons of Kendualdern book... the short answer is I hope it will be out this Fall. This series in particular has taken me a lot longer to write than any others I have worked on. I am hoping that the end product will prove worth the wait. The next book will again be from a dragon's perspective, which is super fun for me. It will not, however, revolve around Gorliad. Frankly speaking, I hadn't ever intended Gorliad to be in the sequels. So, Dominion takes place after Ascension, but has an entirely new cast of characters. They are directly related to Ascension, however, so it should still prove to be a very fun read for those of you that liked Ascension.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Gatekeepers is on sale now!

As my final push for SLC Comic Con, the kindle version of Gatekeepers is on sale this week for only $0.99! Be sure to check it out and let your friends know. Also, if you are in the area, come and drop by booth Beige 64, where I will be ready for autograph signings or just shooting the breeze.

It's an average Tuesday night in Dallas when Joshua Mills learns that his estranged father is in deep trouble for a theft committed years ago. When an other-worldly bounty hunter comes to exact vengeance for the stolen item, Joshua is caught in the crossfire and put on trial for murder. Though ultimately able to beat the murder charge, Joshua's life is left in tatters after the attack, and more than one special enforcement group is interested in Joshua. Creatures from across the seven realms are after Joshua and information about the strange engine stolen by his father decades earlier. Joshua will need to decide whether to help protect Earth from the forces that would enter through inter-dimensional gates from the other realms, or to live a life devoid of memories of his family and home in order to remain safe. 

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Introducing a new book by A.L. Sirois

As I make the final preparations for SLC Comic Con, I wanted to let you all know about a real cool book that just came out. It's The Bohemian Magician, by A.L. Sirois. It's published by Dragon Scale Publishing, so I am a little biased, but it's pretty cool. Check out the cover art and the blurb:


Young Guilhelm has everything a man of the middle ages could ask for: money, title, admirers. But he has one thing that puts all of that in jeopardy. One thing that he cannot get rid of. He has been designated FAIRY FRIEND. Now, no matter where he goes, the fair folk of our world are attracted to his side, and they cause more trouble than Guilhelm seems able to bear.

Praise for The Bohemian Magician:

“With a voice like Sabatini and the humor of Zelazny at his wryest, Sirois offers a tale of fantastic adventure--so what more do you want?” - John Shirley, Bram Stoker Award winning author of Demons

"The Bohemian Magician is a rousing sword and sorcery tale that expertly blends the grit and grime of 12th century Europe with folklore and fantasy. Its dark magic drew me in and left me begging for a sequel!" – Donna Galanti, author of Joshua and the Lightning Road

"Al Sirois’s amusing fantasy, set in the Middle Ages, chronicles the swashbuckling adventures of a young French knight as he encounters fairies, ogres, wizards, ifrits, kobolds, demons, dragons, and pestiferous gnomes." — Don Swaim, author of The Assassination of Ambrose Bierce: A Love Story

"The young duke Guilhem takes a wrong turn on the way to the Crusades – and off we go on a picaresque adventure of magic and mayhem, on earth and off! Great fun – a high-flying Candide reimagined for a bubble universe....Never a dull moment! Braggarts, fools, heroes, and magicians cross swords in this wide-ranging fantasy. If you’ve a yen for those dark woods where medieval history tangles with Faery, The Bohemian Magician satisfies." -- Valerie Nieman, author of Neena Gathering

"Spell-binding prose, magical, with an authentic feel. The Middle Ages like they’ve rarely been seen, with crusading warriors and sorcerers and hooligans beset by folklore beasts both friend and foe, from many cultures. Well researched. Quite an entrancing read." -- Chris Bauer author of Scars on the Face of God, Jane’s Baby (2018)

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Dragon's Champion is now PERMA-FREE!

That's right. The e-book version of the tale that started it all is now free, and on multiple platforms to boot! It's both a thank you gift to my readers who don't have a copy yet, or would like to send it to someone as a gift, and a way to try and broaden the reader base. So, without further ado, here are the links where you can get the e-book for free:

Apple iBooks
Barnes & Noble Nook


Be sure to check it out and share this with anyone who likes a good adventure!

In the middle of his arduous training in Kuldiga Academy, Erik Lokton discovers that he is destined to become more than a mere knight. His inexperienced eyes are forced open as demons and evil creatures that had previously only haunted his nightmares awaken, and old feuds boil to the surface once more. However, Erik lacks the discipline of a seasoned knight and despite his growing knowledge of the dark forces at work in his world his curiosity and headstrong ways get him into trouble. With the help of a master swordsman and a few friends, he must learn to balance his duty to family with his destiny and responsibility to his kingdom. Yet, not all friends are true, and old debts are coming due. Erik must choose between rescuing his family, and extinguishing the crimson tide of darkness that threatens to swallow the whole realm.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Signed copies of GATEKEEPERS up for grabs...

A big thanks to all of you who have helped make GATEKEEPERS a successful launch! I have enjoyed seeing the feedback come in and see how much you are enjoying it. As a thank you, I am putting up 10 SIGNED copies through a Goodreads giveaway. All you have to do is enter here:

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Gatekeepers by Sam Ferguson


by Sam Ferguson

Giveaway ends September 06, 2017.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter Giveaway

In the meantime, I wanted to let you all know that I am putting the finishing touches on Fur Trader 2- so expect to see that come out in the next couple of weeks!

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Cover reveal, new book announcement, and a giveaway oh my!

Help me get the word out on my new Sci-fi/Fantasy novel, GATEKEEPERS!


As many of you know, I have been working hard on a new project, putting the fun stories of Terramyr on hold while I produce an urban fantasy. (Don't worry, my vampires don't glitter in the sun...)

GATEKEEPERS is a fun, action-filled adventure that is sure to keep you turning pages, and the best part is that fifty copies are being given away as a special promotion! Just CLICK HERE to enter the giveaway!

Please share the contest with your friends as well!

 It's an average Tuesday night in Dallas when Joshua Mills learns that his estranged father is in deep trouble for a theft committed years ago. When an other-worldly bounty hunter comes to exact vengeance for the stolen item, Joshua is caught in the crossfire and put on trial for murder. Though ultimately able to beat the murder charge, Joshua's life is left in tatters after the attack, and more than one special enforcement group is interested in Joshua. Creatures from across the seven realms are after Joshua and information about the strange engine stolen by his father decades earlier. Joshua will need to decide whether to help protect Earth from the forces that would enter through inter-dimensional gates from the other realms, or to live a life devoid of memories of his family and home in order to remain safe.

U.K. readers click here to grab your copy of GATEKEEPERS!

U.S. readers click here to grab your copy of GATEKEEPERS!

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Waiting for art...

So my most recent project is almost entirely finished, except for the cover art.

I have seen a few sketches and I like the direction it's going, but I am sitting here like a kid the night before Christmas, just itching to open up the box. The finished cover was supposed to be done a few days ago, and I want to do a reveal for it .... but each day ticks by and I still haven't seen the final version. Obviously you can't rush artwork without sacrificing some quality, so I am resisting the urge to fly out to the artist's office and sit there waiting for it... but only barely.

About the only thing that is helping me keep my sanity is the fact that I have several other projects in the works right now.

Fur Trader 2
The Dragons of Kendualdern: Dominion
The Crystal Spire

And... two more that shall not be named.

With any luck, they'll all be finished and done this year... but we'll just have to see how it goes. Stay tuned for the cover reveal -- and I'll probably include a teaser from the first chapter as well. :)

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Book give away announcement-- The Moon Dragon

Good morning!

   I wanted to let you all know that I am partnering with Goodreads to give away ten signed copies of my illustrated children's book, The Moon Dragon. Just click on the link below to be taken directly to the entry page. The contest is free and this book is one of my favorite works, so go an sign up to show your support!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Moon Dragon by Sam Ferguson

The Moon Dragon

by Sam Ferguson

Giveaway ends September 30, 2017.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter Giveaway

Monday, July 31, 2017

Free copies of Flight of the Krilo available for a limited time

So, while I have some plumbers down in the basement using a jackhammer to put in a couple new bathrooms, I thought I would take a minute and let you all know that the kindle version of Flight of the Krilo is free for a limited time. If you haven't read this story, check it out! It's a fun romp of an adventure that also lays open a bit more about a couple of the more obscure races on Terramyr.

Also, keep your eye out a little later this week, as I am going to participate in a giveaway of some signed copied of The Moon Dragon, an illustrated children's story that is set on Terramyr. If you haven't seen that either, you should definitely check it out, the illustrations are wonderful! I would also say that my kids love the book... but frankly they are a bit biased ;)

In other news, I am just waiting for the final, polished up cover to come in so I can reveal the project I have been working on most recently. The sketches have been pretty cool so far, so it should be great.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Ramping up for SLC Comic Con

Work on the new house is coming along fairly nicely -- despite a few unexpected repairs and a gas leak-- so I should be getting back to my writing schedule pretty soon. I have not, however, been totally neglectful of my books. I have carved away a couple hours each day to continue working on the urban fantasy project I started a few months back. I am happy to say that I should be able to do the cover reveal next week. I haven't seen any sketches yet, so I am a bit nervous, but I am pretty excited to see it. The book itself has been a ton of fun to write as I get to merge fantasy monsters and realistic settings... and modern firearms :)

In this book I am also playing with a different narrative voice. Instead of using the third person, I am using first person, which is a huuuuge game changer when it comes to writing. Even third-person limited (where the narrator doesn't know everything in each character's head) is soooo much wider in scope than first person, so it is a big shift for me. Instead of cutting away to see things from other viewpoints, I am sticking with the MC the whole way through, and working on techniques to make that exciting for the reader. I'll try to give a bit of a teaser with the cover reveal next week so you can get a sneak peek.

In the meantime, I'm also working on Comic Con preparations. This will be the first year that I bring the illustrated children's books with me so I am looking forward to sharing those with those of you able to come to the Con. (Not sure I am going to wear the chainmail this time though... I'm a big dude, but that stuff gets pretty hot and uncomfortable after a while.)

Anyway, I gotta run and get back to work. We have projects scattered throughout the house -- just this morning my six year old son helped me reroute the internet cable from an obscure point in the basement up to my upstairs office, so the whole family is getting into the action and it is quite fun, but I will be happy when it's finished!

Happy reading everyone!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

New house under way

So we are sort of moved in to our new house. Meaning that while we are doing the renovations we essentially have one bedroom, one bathroom, and a living room. So it's like camping, except the tent walls are a bit thicker ;)

The repairs and construction have cut into my writing time, but I am still actively working on a few projects. One is the follow up to Dark Sahale, but the other is a fun urban fantasy project I have been working on for a while. It's very different playing with fantasy characters in a real or semi-real setting, but has proven to be very fun so far. Hopefully you will like it as well.

In the meantime, production on the audio book version of Dimwater's Demons has finished. If you haven't checked it out yet, go ahead and click here to give it a listen. It's a fun story, and I think Alexander Doddy has done a fantastic job of bringing it to life.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Don't miss these great giveaways!

Check out all of my cool give-aways, and don't miss your chance to grab a free copy as the give-away ends July 4th.Scroll down for a complete list:

In the middle of his arduous training in Kuldiga Academy, Erik Lokton discovers that he is destined to become more than a mere knight. His inexperienced eyes are forced open as demons and evil creatures that had previously only haunted his nightmares awaken, and old feuds boil to the surface once more. However, Erik lacks the discipline of a seasoned knight and despite his growing knowledge of the dark forces at work in his world his curiosity and headstrong ways get him into trouble. With the help of a master swordsman and a few friends, he must learn to balance his duty to family with his destiny and responsibility to his kingdom. Yet, not all friends are true, and old debts are coming due. Erik must choose between rescuing his family, and extinguishing the crimson tide of darkness that threatens to swallow the whole realm.

Learn about the origins of the Dwarves who reside in the Middle Kingdom in the most exciting way possible, through a comic book! You will meet Persais, the first King of Roegudok Hall, and discover how he and his kin were carved from the Black Mountain. You will also learn about the dwarves' connection with the Ancients, and the young dragon prince who grew up in the halls of the dwarves, as no other dragon could do.

Young Kyra is destined for four years of sorcery training at Kuldiga Academy. After that she will be wed to the man her father has chosen for her and embark upon the perfectly respectable and confining life of a noblewoman in the Middle Kingdom, something she never wanted.

But, when Kyra’s mother is murdered by strange creatures, she is thrust into a world of demons and magic before she is ready. More dangerous still, she finds a dragon egg. Though wisdom would suggest she destroy it before it hatches and wreaks havoc on the land, she realizes that it needs her to survive, for there is a terrible curse threatening to destroy it.

As their relationship grows, she comes to understand that she needs the dragon just as much, if not more so, if she is to survive the creatures that killed her mother and are now tracking her.

Olveric is a bit of a layabout for an elf, preferring to play his gittern by the river and let the days slowly pass him by. When a magic wand comes unexpectedly into his life, he discovers that the dark talisman has bound itself to him. He learns that the ancient Álfarin high city, Balatāme Jorām, had been destroyed a thousand years earlier by an elf of mixed blood who wielded this very wand. Now the future of the great power this wand holds rests solely in Olveric's hands, and he has no way to disentangle himself from the energies that tie this fell item to Empyrean, the world of the Dark Gods.

The Elder Council sends Olveric upon a journey to uncover the mysteries of the past. Together with his friends, a fox and a kobold, he will brave dangers he had never imagined in an attempt to reclaim a heritage lost to the Álfarin for one thousand years.

Among the Tarthun peoples of Terramyr, there is a myth which tells of a special friendship between a boy whose heart was big enough to share his home with everyone, and a dragon who was so brave, he was able to break through the dark curtain of night to bring light back to the boy's world when a strange darkness fell over the land. The story of Boba the skyte and Aiden the young Tarthun boy is retold for you so that you may know to look for the Moon Dragon each night, and understand where he has gone when the moon goes dark.

Jonathan is not the strongest young man in his home village. That would be his older brother Jason. He isn't the tallest, best looking, or funniest either. Again, that would be Jason. He is better than most in the village at archery, though. He is an excellent hunter, and can perform more trick shots than anyone else with amazing accuracy. Well, he is almost better than anyone else. Jason has him beat there too. Jonathan doesn't mind though, he and his older brother share a deep bond that connects them more fully than their differences could separate them. They work together in their family fields, go swimming at the fishing hole, and sometimes they play tricks on other farmers in the village. Whatever they do, for good or ill, they do together.

On Jonathan's sixteenth birthday though, officers come to the village asking for volunteers. Trolls have invaded during the heaviest monsoon season ever known, and the wet conditions have given the trolls enhanced abilities. Jason is the first to step forward, and is eagerly accepted for his height and strength. Though he also volunteers, Jonathan is told he is too young, and not strong enough for the rigors of war with the trolls in the Murkle Quags.

When letters stop arriving from Jason after two years of war, and Jonathan still finds himself denied acceptance to the army due to his small stature, he does what any good brother would do. Jonathan Haymaker takes his bow and leaves his home. They said it couldn't be done. The journey was too far, the dangers too great, and the war too fierce for a boy like him. Perhaps they were right, but he knew Jason was alive somewhere, and he was not about to let his brother be alone.

Talon, a cold, calculating assassin has been double-crossed by his partners. Having barely escaped their trap for him, he returns their treachery with his blade and continues to seek the Tomni’Tai Scroll –the one artifact that will grant him incredible power and enable him to finally put his oldest enemies to rest. A well-renowned elf sage sits near the top of Talon’s list, but that isn’t all. Talon seeks even to slay Basei, the demigod of battle. As Talon’s power grows, only one man stands a chance of stopping Talon from unleashing his ultimate, unbridled wrath upon the realm. Kai, a disgraced ranger, crosses the trail of destruction Talon has left behind him, and discovers that it falls to him to halt Talon before the Netherworld Gate can be opened.

Click here for your free copy!

Saturday, July 1, 2017

More give-away titles!

All right- I have some cool give-aways coming up starting today and ending on July 4th and 5th. I'll be giving several e-books out so keep your eyes open for more announcements.

Today's free e-books are:

Among the Tarthun peoples of Terramyr, there is a myth which tells of a special friendship between a boy whose heart was big enough to share his home with everyone, and a dragon who was so brave, he was able to break through the dark curtain of night to bring light back to the boy's world when a strange darkness fell over the land. The story of Boba the skyte and Aiden the young Tarthun boy is retold for you so that you may know to look for the Moon Dragon each night, and understand where he has gone when the moon goes dark.

 Plus, Jonathan Haymaker is free this weekend only!
Jonathan is not the strongest young man in his home village. That would be his older brother Jason. He isn't the tallest, best looking, or funniest either. Again, that would be Jason. He is better than most in the village at archery, though. He is an excellent hunter, and can perform more trick shots than anyone else with amazing accuracy. Well, he is almost better than anyone else. Jason has him beat there too. Jonathan doesn't mind though, he and his older brother share a deep bond that connects them more fully than their differences could separate them. They work together in their family fields, go swimming at the fishing hole, and sometimes they play tricks on other farmers in the village. Whatever they do, for good or ill, they do together.

On Jonathan's sixteenth birthday though, officers come to the village asking for volunteers. Trolls have invaded during the heaviest monsoon season ever known, and the wet conditions have given the trolls enhanced abilities. Jason is the first to step forward, and is eagerly accepted for his height and strength. Though he also volunteers, Jonathan is told he is too young, and not strong enough for the rigors of war with the trolls in the Murkle Quags.

When letters stop arriving from Jason after two years of war, and Jonathan still finds himself denied acceptance to the army due to his small stature, he does what any good brother would do. Jonathan Haymaker takes his bow and leaves his home. They said it couldn't be done. The journey was too far, the dangers too great, and the war too fierce for a boy like him. Perhaps they were right, but he knew Jason was alive somewhere, and he was not about to let his brother be alone.

  And this one is still free through the weekend as well:

Talon, a cold, calculating assassin has been double-crossed by his partners. Having barely escaped their trap for him, he returns their treachery with his blade and continues to seek the Tomni’Tai Scroll –the one artifact that will grant him incredible power and enable him to finally put his oldest enemies to rest. A well-renowned elf sage sits near the top of Talon’s list, but that isn’t all. Talon seeks even to slay Basei, the demigod of battle. As Talon’s power grows, only one man stands a chance of stopping Talon from unleashing his ultimate, unbridled wrath upon the realm. Kai, a disgraced ranger, crosses the trail of destruction Talon has left behind him, and discovers that it falls to him to halt Talon before the Netherworld Gate can be opened.

Click here for your free copy!