Welcome to Tales from Terramyr

Welcome to Tales from Terramyr! Terramyr is the world I created, and where my books and stories come from. Here you may browse upcoming releases, musings of my sporadic and highly distracted mind, or see what I have been up to lately.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

My first illustrated Children's book: The Moon Dragon!

I am so happy to announce that the electronic version of The Moon Dragon is available now on Amazon. This tale has waited a long time to find just the right art work, and I think Joshua Allen did an excellent job with this story. 

Like the other books I write, this tale takes place on Terramyr, which is kind of fun for me. However, I actually wrote this story for my son, and it holds a special place in my heart. Aiden has always had a great imagination, but when he was about two years old, we tried to tell him about the "man" in the moon. It was a great, clear night with a bright full moon, the kind that seems to loom larger in the night than it should, and we thought he would laugh at the idea.

Well, Aiden wasn't convinced. He kept saying, no, there is no man. That's a dragon! Then he would make roaring sounds. This went on for quite some time until finally he had us convinced that he was right. Thus, the Moon Dragon was born. 

I hope you enjoy reading this story, and sharing it with other kids.

Cover Image

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Dwarves of Roegudok Hall Comic Book is Here!

 I am so excited about this! The Dwarves of Roegudok Hall is a fantastically illustrated story about the founding of the Dwarven Kingdom found in the Dragon's Champion series. It delves deeper into the myth and lore of the dwarves and dragons in the Middle Kingdom and promises page-turning action and fun.

  This project has been in the works for several months, and I think it turned out very well. It is available both in physical format, and also on kindle.

  Click here to check out the first episode!


Click Here to check out the first issue on Kindle!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Who said writers only sit behind desks?

Over this last weekend I had a ton of fun. I have been training for the last nine months in my gym at home, and I suited up for the USPA Rocky Mountain Regional Championship this last Saturday, Sept. 10th.

I took first in the 275lb Classic Raw Category (which means no special bench shirts or squat or deadlift suits- but you can use knee wraps on the squats) and it was a blast. Here are just a couple videos and a photo for fun.

It wasn't my all time personal best lifts- but still respectable for a first time I think. Got 496 on the squat and 518 on the deadlift.

No video for the bench :( Although I only did 341 anyway, so that wouldn't be so impressive.

To follow my powerlifting pursuits, be sure to check out!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Jonathan Haymaker Kindle version on Sale!

Just a quick note to let you know that for the next few days, the kindle version of Jonathan Haymaker will be on sale for only 99 cents!

What better way to celebrate the release of the sequel than to have a sale right? Check it out and tell your friends. If they love a good fantasy adventure book, then they will enjoy this one!

Jonathan Haymaker spent over 14 weeks on Amazon's top 100 best selling list for Fantasy and Action & Adventure in the U.S., and more than double that on the same lists in the U.K.

Click here to check out Jonathan Haymaker!

Click here to check out Brothers Haymaker!

Monday, September 5, 2016

SLC Comic Con 2016 Recap!

SLC Comic Con was a blast! Got to meet a few fans, and I was able to snag a picture with Lou Ferrigno and Larry Correia.

To top it all off, Brothers Haymaker has busted into the Top 10 in Canada for Sword & Sorcery books! (It's also in the Top 100 in the U.K. and has popped in and out of the Top 100 in the U.S.)

Here are a few pictures to share!
My son and I got to snag a moment with Lou Ferrigno!!!

Seriously, these are my two favorite costumes from SLC Comic Con 2016!

Hoods on and ready for action!

Me and Larry Correia, a great author and all around nice guy! I just started reading Son of the Black Sword, and I would definitely recommend you check it out! (It just won the Dragon Award!)

Ryan got to meet Spider Man!

Apparently, she is NOT Mystique...

Met Levi on Saturday-- Always great to meet a fan!