Welcome to Tales from Terramyr

Welcome to Tales from Terramyr! Terramyr is the world I created, and where my books and stories come from. Here you may browse upcoming releases, musings of my sporadic and highly distracted mind, or see what I have been up to lately.

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Friday, June 2, 2023

A brand new 5e compatible one-shot set in the world of Terramyr!

So I've been working a little over a full year on the Terramyr 5e Compendium -- which is nearly done by the way, just has some final edits and proofing to finish-- but in the meantime, I created a one-shot adventure set in Terramyr that is ridiculously fun and it's out now!

If you're looking for a 5e compatible one-shot based on the world of Terramyr, then you are in luck. Zhougo's Dungeon is out now!
Complete with 13 unique monsters, 8 unique NPCs, 5 beautifully rendered area maps and one master map, this book has enough material to keep your party dungeon crawling for at least 4-6 hours. Simply drop it into your existing campaign, or use one of the five provided adventure hooks -- each with their own endings!
This adventure is designed for players of level 3 or 4. Click here to check it out!

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