Welcome to Tales from Terramyr

Welcome to Tales from Terramyr! Terramyr is the world I created, and where my books and stories come from. Here you may browse upcoming releases, musings of my sporadic and highly distracted mind, or see what I have been up to lately.

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Thursday, April 26, 2018

Giveaway announcement

If you like avengers, or know someone who does, then you have to get in on this giveaway. It is simply fantastic!

So-- what are the prizes? I'm glad you asked!

Prizes include: 
  • an original 1994 print run of The Infinity Gauntlet limited series comicbooks in near-mint condition, 
  • Marvel Legends Series Electronically Articulated Infinity Gauntlet, 
  • your choice of Avengers character t-shirts in your size,  
  • Marvel’s The Avengers in Blu-Ray or DVD (your choice), Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron in Blu-Ray or DVD (your choice), 
  • and a $25 Fandango gift card so that you can get your own tickets for Infinity War!
If that doesn't sound awesome, then I don't know what would-- That is quite the cool collection. All you have to do to enter is click right here to be taken to the contest entry page. This is put together by several authors, as you will see on the page. You can enter once, or you can get extra chances to win by following any of several authors' social media pages. Definitely be sure to check it out!

Click here to be taken to giveaway page!

Friday, April 6, 2018

Wren and the Ravens

The last little while I have been working on a super cool project with fellow author Eric Buffington.

If you aren't familiar with his work, then check out The Troven, which spent 50 weeks in the top 100 of its category on Amazon.

He brings a fun blend of humor to an all new adventure, set in an all new world. It has certainly made for an exciting project and I am positive you will all enjoy this one.

Without further ado.... (drum roll please) I give you:

It is said in Ryr that even when you seek peace, trouble often finds you.

For teenage Liden and his four friends, that is exactly what happens. No sooner do they run away from the mining town of Ryr to find freedom and adventure than they are thrust into events that mix them up with a notorious assassin known only as Wren.

Though the teenagers and assassin share neither goals nor values, they find themselves forced into cooperation in order to survive as they are caught up in the war raging along the Satine River that separates the northern and southern kingdoms.

How will Liden and his friends escape the war zone without making an enemy of Wren? Buy Wren and the Ravens today to find out!
 Click here to pre-order now, you won't want to miss this one!